Our Story

In 2019 the pandemic hit and as a remote employee that meant a lot of time with my feet up on my couch. After one too many many subpar purchases the idea for Nerd Clothing Company was born.

The fundamentals are easy:

  1. Designs that have some soul.
  2. Clothes made to fit real people; not one size fits no one.

It took another 1.5 years of iterating on designs and samples to reach my standards. It all seems so simple but with material composition, knit style, and designs all the decisions get overwhelming quickly! Since then our imagination has grown even larger representing a labor of love. 

  • Our Purpose

    To make everyone
    look their true self.

  • Our Mission

    To help everyone to be a
    better them through unique apparel.

  • Our Vission

    A world where everyone always feels comfortable with their look; inside and out.

Our Values

1. Dream Big

Nothing is too big or too hard to achieve!

2. Put One Foot Infront of the Other

Achieving anything great doesn't happen overnight. Moving at a steady pace is not only better for mind but better for soul.

3. Embrace Creativity

Often the best solutions sound crazy. We embrace them!

4. Stumble in the Open

We will make mistakes because we are not perfect despite what our grandmothers tell us. When we do make mistakes, we will be open about them.

5. Accept Personal Responsibility

Everyone should own what they do. Whether that is choosing labels or customer service know it is important and give it 110%.

Our Promise

We promise to do all we can to make every person’s outer self match their inner self.

This means:

  1. Embracing and empowering everyone no matter who to embrace their inner self.
  2. Creating products that are bold and inspire.
  3. Practicing what we preach.

The founder of Nerd Clothing Company, Ian Landi

The Team

- Just me so far 😅

I grew up on a farm in a very small town in Ohio. After escaping to larger and larger cities I found myself in New York City. I lived there for 6 years before realizing I may have gone too large. Afterwards, I adopted a somewhat nomadic life frequently discovering new places. No matter where I go one of the things I enjoy most is curling up on my couch with a hot chocolate and popcorn before blocking out the whole night for movies. I’m an engineer during the day and couch potato by night. Otherwise I enjoy a solid video game playthrough, Twitch stream, or hobby taken wayyyy too far. I live by the philosophy that life is short, so do it all in comfort!